Categorias: Idiomas | Inglês Americano

Internet And National Elections Kluver, R. Taylor & Francis

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The Internet and National Elections provides a comparative analysis of the use of the World Wide Web in countries around the world for campaign purposes. This ambitious study draws upon a common conceptual framework - the "Web sphere," and a shared methodological approach called Web feature analysis - in order to examine how the Internet is used by a variety of political actors during periods of electoral activity. Research teams around the world conducted analyses in technologically advanced nations, as well as those with low Internet diffusion, and a variety of countries in the middle range of network penetration, and from a variety of political and cultural contexts. The book represents an important contribution towards gaining a cross-national understanding of the current and emerging impacts of the Internet on political practice. To that end, the contributors to this book collect and analyze data related to the structure for political action and information provision. They examine twelve types of political actors engaged in elections, including candidates, parties, non-governmental organizations, government, media and individual citizens. Exploring the complex dynamics between politics, culture, and information technology at both the national and global levels, this text will be of interest to students and researchers of political science, communication studies, international relations, media and Internet studies.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 296
Ano de edição: 2007
ISBN 10: 041544618X
ISBN 13: 9780415446181
Altura: 24
Largura: 16
Comprimento: 2
Idioma : Inglês Americano
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Internet

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