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Dk Eyewitness Books - Ocean Macquitty, Miranda Dorling Kindersley

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Dive in and discover the watery world covering most of our earth and the amazing wildlife in its depths inEyewitness: Oceans. Through images, maps and informative text learn about life on the shore to the darkest depths of the ocean floor, includingpredators and prey, gas and oil exploration, products of the ocean, brave explorers and what the human race can do to help preserve one of the earth´s most valuable resources. For over 25 years, DK´s Eyewitness books have been the most trusted nonfiction series in classrooms, libraries, and homes around the world. In summer 2014 this award-winning series will get a fresh new look both inside and out. The introduction of paperback editions, eye-catching jackets, and updated interiors ensure that the Eyewitness series will continue to be relevant in the ever-changing world of education and remain the go-to source for homework help, research projects, reluctant readers, ESL students, and, as always, to satisfy the minds of curious kids. Supports the Common Core State Standards.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,249 kg
Número de páginas: 72
Ano de edição: 2014
ISBN 10: 1465420541
ISBN 13: 9781465420541
Altura: 28
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Enciclopédia
Assuntos : Fatos e Curiosidades

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