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A new adventure in a picture book with Bessie, the favorite cow. Bessie really doesnt feel like doing anything today. She doesnt even want to work. Whats wrong with her? Actually, shes always in a good mood. The vet cant find any illnesses and all well-meaning attempts to cheer her up are futile. The sun is shining and her friends are playing their favorite games. No, Bessie doesnt join in. And if she doesnt want to play, she should keep her bad mood to herself. Bessie prefers to be alone. She grazes in peace, watches the animals in the meadow and relaxes. Should she go back to the farm? In the meantime, the farmer and her friends miss Bessie terribly. And when she sees that everyone is thinking of a way to change her mood, she happily runs into the garden and joins them again. In what? In her favorite game, catch, of course. A different kind of farm story with Bessie the cow and all her friends.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,47 kg
Número de páginas: 28
Ano de edição: 2024
ISBN 10: 6561130022
ISBN 13: 9786561130028
Altura: 31
Largura: 24
Comprimento: 10
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Infantil

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