Categorias: Idiomas | Inglês Americano

Francoise Gilot - Three Travel Sketchbooks Holzwarth, Hans Werner Taschen

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Three facsimile editions of Françoise Gilot’s travel sketchbooks, made between 1974 and 1981, combine the distinct atmospheres of Venice, India, and Senegal with Gilot’s abstract figuration. Packaged in a fold-out box set, the sketchbooks are accompanied by an illustrated booklet which gathers an insightful introduction, a conversation with the artist on her work and travels, and translations of the handwritten text within the drawings. Limited and numbered edition of 5,000 copies. Also available as three separate Art Editions of 60 copies respectively, each with a signed lithograph created by Gilot exclusively for TASCHEN.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 2,18 kg
Número de páginas: 364
Ano de edição: 1900
ISBN 10: 3836564068
ISBN 13: 9783836564069
Altura: 36
Largura: 26
Comprimento: 2
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês Americano
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Pinturas

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