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Wizard & Glass - Dark Tower, V.4 King, Stephen Penguin Books

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Roland and his band have narrowly escaped the city of Lud and boarded Blaine, a train that will take them to, of all places, Kansas, where the ghost city of Topeka has been depopulated by a superflu and where, alongside Interstate 70, an emerald palace rises enchantingly. Before Roland and the companions of his ka-tet continue along the Path of the Bean, Roland must tell his companions the tale that defines him both as a man and hero, a long-ago romance of witchery and evil, of the beautiful, unforgettable Susan Delgado, of the Big Coffin Hunters and Reah of the Coos. And when his tale is finished, Roland confronts a man who goes by many names, a man who "darkles and tincts" and who holds perhaps the key to the Dark Tower.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,821 kg
Número de páginas: 752
Ano de edição: 2003
ISBN 10: 0451210875
ISBN 13: 9780451210876
Altura: 5
Largura: 14
Comprimento: 21
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Paradidáticos e/ou leitura escolar

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