Categorias: Idiomas | Inglês Americano

We Need To Talk About Kevin Shriver, Lionel Harpercollins Usa

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Eva never really wanted to be a mother - and certainly not the mother of the unlovable boy who murdered seven of his fellow high school students, a cafeteria worker, and a much-adored teacher who tried to befriend him, all two days before his sixteenth birthday. Now, two years later, it is time for her to come to terms with marriage, career, family, parenthood, and Kevin´s horrific rampage in a series of startlingly direct correspondences with her estranged husband, Franklyn. Uneasy with the sacrifices and social demotion of motherhood from the start, Eva fears that her alarming dislike for her own son may be responsible for driving him so nihilistically off the rails.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,34 kg
Número de páginas: 400
Ano de edição: 2006
ISBN 10: 006112429X
ISBN 13: 9780061124297
Altura: 2
Largura: 14
Comprimento: 20
Idioma : Inglês Americano
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Estrangeira

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