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Practical Manual Of Thyroid And Parathyroid Disease Tuttle, R. Michael Wiley International Editions

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Edited and authored by international experts,A Practical Manual of Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseasepresents concise, evidence-based, multi-disciplinary guidance relevant for a global audience. Where appropriate, chapters include an evidence appraisalsection which critically assesses the level of the evidence available for different treatment options. Reflecting the latest in clinical research and showcasing techniques pioneered by the contributors, the book includes chapters dedicated to advances in: cytology radiological assessment molecular biology and treatment rationale in thyroid cancer surgical technique including minimally invasive modalities Designed to be user-friendly, the book contains key points, case studies, color photographs and diagrams throughout. Multiple choice questions included at the end of each chapter enable self assessment. The book will be relevant to the medical undergraduate, postgraduate and clinical nurse specialist. Primary care physicians will find this an excellent resource for reference purposes and it will update specialists involved with treating thyroid and parathyroid disease in the fields of Pathology, Radiology, Oncology, Endocrinology and Surgery.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,735 kg
Número de páginas: 220
Ano de edição: 2010
ISBN 10: 1405170344
ISBN 13: 9781405170345
Altura: 26
Largura: 20
Comprimento: 2
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Medicina e Saúde

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