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Macromolecular Crystallography - Conventional And High Throughput Methods Sanderson, Mark Oxford

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Macromolecular Crystallography is the study of macromolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) using X-ray crystallographic techniques in order to determine their molecular structure. The knowledge of accurate molecular structures is a pre-requisite for rational drug design, and for structure-based function studies to aid the development of effective therapeutic agents and drugs. The successful determination of the complete genome (genetic sequence) of several species (including humans) has recently directed scientific attention towards identifying the structure and function of the complete complement of proteins that make up that species; a new and rapidly growing field of study called structural genomics. There are now several important and well-funded global initiatives in operation to identify all of the proteins of key model species. One of the main requirements for these initiatives is a high-throughput crystallization facility to speed-up the protein identification process.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 400
Ano de edição: 2007
ISBN 10: 0198520972
ISBN 13: 9780198520979
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Macroeconomia

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