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First published in 1993, this biography, first published in 1993, represents a comprehensive, accessible account of the great eighteenth-century French chemist and administrator, Antoine Lavoisier. Historians of science know Lavoisier as a founderofmodern chemistry. Students of the French Revolution know him as an important financier and administrator in the final decades of the old regime and as the most famous scientist to be guillotined during the Terror. This volume devotes equal attention to the creation of his oxygen theory of combustion and to his efforts as a public administrator before and during the Revolution. Lavoisier was a historical figure of extraordinary importance. His biography illuminates the rise of modern science and the history of the French Revolution. Antoine Lavoisier provides its reader with a vivid, informed image of the man, his achievement and the tumultuous age in which he lived.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 368
Ano de edição: 1996
ISBN 10: 052156672X
ISBN 13: 9780521566728
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Biografias e Memórias

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