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E Mail Marketing For Dummies Arnold, John John Wiley

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E-mail seems like a terrific marketing tool — until you think about all that spam clogging up your own inbox. But of course YOUR message isn’t spam. So how do you use e-mail to market without becoming a spammer? Done properly, e-mail marketing is highly effective. E-Mail Marketing For Dummies can help you send your message to the inboxes of the world while observing professional standards, improving your deliverability, and executing your e-mail marketing strategy in line with current laws. You´ll discover the secrets to creating professional and inviting e-mail messages, locating receptive respondents, tracking the results, and finding out whether your program is working. You’ll be able to: Combine e-mail with other marketing mediaDevelop a winning strategy, build a quality e-mail list, and find successComply with anti-spam lawsSet reasonable objectivesDecide whether to use an e-mail service providerBrand your e-mailsBuild relationships with your customersIncrease your “open” rate and find out who’s actually opening your e-mailsUse e-mail to improve search engine optimization And if you’re not a bona fide, pocket-protector-carrying geek, this book is perfect. It’s written for business people who need to get return on their time as well as their marketing efforts. Whether you read it straight through or dive right into the part you need most, E-Mail Marketing For Dummies is all about using e-mail to help your business prosper.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 384
Ano de edição: 2007
ISBN 10: 0470190876
ISBN 13: 9780470190876
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Administração e Negócios

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