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Busting Loose From The Money Game Scheinfeld, Robert John Wiley

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"Absolutely amazing! It completely shifts your paradigm for life. One of the most wonderful things about it is that the results are immediate. My whole perception and relationship to money has undergone a major, substantial change." —Chris Attwood, writer and teacher, California "I´ve spent most of my life trying to figure out what´s true and what´s real. I have to say I now have a clear glimpse into what it really is." —Tom Hill, Colorado "Before Busting Loose from The Money Game, I was very unhappy and frustrated in my life. I was driven to find more ways to make money. I changed jobs, cities, countries, went back to school, read books. Financially, the stress was causing anxiety attacks and migraines so severe I stayed in bed. The joy I feel now is priceless. Money is there when I need it, in the amount that´s needed, no matter what occurs (car repairs, unplanned trips, etc.). It´s absolutely amazing!" —Suresh Thakoor, Texas "As a retired professor on a fixed and limited income, I always lived from a tight budget and felt compressed by it-especially at the end of the year. I don´t use a budget anymore and have opened up new streams of income that were always closed to me in the past." —Howard Rovics, Connecticut "It opened a whole new dimension for me and shifted my perspective on life completely. I especially love how practical it is. The application is so simple, so effective . . . and fun!" —Doris Kahle, Hagen, Germany "I´d had a lot of success in the corporate are

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,44 kg
Número de páginas: 256
Ano de edição: 2006
ISBN 10: 0470047496
ISBN 13: 9780470047491
Altura: 24
Largura: 16
Comprimento: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Administração e Negócios

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