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Beyond Candlesticks Nison, Steve John Wiley

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From the "Father of Candlesticks" - penetrating new Japanese techniques for forecasting and tracking market prices and improving market timing Steve Nison has done it again. The man who revolutionized technical analysis by introducing Japanese candlestick charting techniques to Western traders is back - this time with a quartet of powerful Japanese techniques never before published or used in the West. Stunningly effective on their own, these new techniques pack an even greater wallop when teamed up with traditional trading, investing, or hedging strategies, and Steve Nison shows you how to do it. Beyond Candlesticks provides step-by-step instructions, detailed charts and graphs, and clear-cut guidance on tracking and analyzing results - everything you need to pick up these sharp new tools and take your place at the cutting edge of technical analysis.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 1,015 kg
Número de páginas: 296
Ano de edição: 1994
ISBN 10: 047100720X
ISBN 13: 9780471007203
Altura: 29
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 2
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Administração e Negócios

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