Categorias: Idiomas | Inglês

General English For Aviation - Pilots, Cabin Crew, Ground Staff, And Air Traffic Controller Uemura, Cintia Naomi Cengage Universitario Digital

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General English for Aviation is a new book aimed for false beginners to intermediate English language learners. The content of this book was thought to help learners to get started in the world of aviation while developing their listening and conversation skills to interact with people in real-situation communication. This book also provides information for teachers on the topics that will be taught at the beginning of each Unit and a brief reference guide of the goals to be achieved by the students.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0 kg
Número de páginas: 224
Ano de edição: 2015
ISBN 10: 8522116717
ISBN 13: 9788522116713
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Informação Adicional : Universitário
Suporte digital : Licença Válida por 12 meses
Tipo de produto : Digital
Assuntos : Aviação

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