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15-minute Stretch - Four 15-minute Workouts For Flexibility, Posture, And Strength Dk Publishing Dorling Kindersley

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Fit exercise into your busy life with short but effective stretching programs. Do the demands of modern life leave you feeling stiff and sore? Do you struggle to find time for exercise? Stress no more: these four 15-minute programs for beginners offer the versatility and ease of use that busy lifestyles demand. Build these 15-minute stretching routines, that you can do at home with just a mat, into your week to get leaner, more flexible, and stronger than ever before.    Clear step-by-step photographs paired with easy-to-follow instructions explain exactly what to do in each move, and targeted “feel-it-here” graphics help you understand which muscles to focus on. At the end of each 15-minute program there’s an at-a-glance summary of the routine.      15-Minute Stretch Workout will inspire you to make exercise a part of your weekly routine, so youll reap the benefits of enhanced health and fitness. 

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,308 kg
Número de páginas: 112
Ano de edição: 2022
ISBN 10: 0744051290
ISBN 13: 9780744051292
Altura: 23
Largura: 18
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Fitness

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