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Dk Readers L4 - Robot Universe Huggins-cooper,lynn Dorling Kindersley

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Robot Universe takes the reader on a discovery of fascinating modern-day robots, and gives the reader a look at the past, and future of robotic evolution. A thrilling introduction to the capabilities of robots and the computers that control them,from space rovers to robots that perform surgery. Meet Pepper, the first robot able to show and understand human emotions, all in one book! Robot Universe unravels a world populated with advanced robots that help assist human understanding and discovery. Filled with engaging topics, interactive pages and fun facts. Explore the capabilities of robots and the computers that control them. This nonfiction book is perfect for independent young readers aged 9-11. Robot Universe is part of DK Readers for Level 4 readers. The innovative range combines a highly visual approach with non-fiction narratives that children will love reading. Level 4 reader books are for independent readers, structured by simple sentences with an emphasis on frequently used words and visual prompts. Learn To Read, Then Read To Learn. Have you ever wondered if robots can think like humans? Robot Universe is packed with fascinating facts about robots and images kids will love. Explore the science behind artificial intelligence and what their capabilities really are. This exciting book for kids combines literature and fun. Teach young readers about the advancement of robots in today’s age while expanding on how robots can perform human tasks and display human r

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,209 kg
Número de páginas: 96
Ano de edição: 2017
ISBN 10: 1465463216
ISBN 13: 9781465463210
Altura: 23
Largura: 15
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 1
Faixa etária final : Infantil 12 anos
Faixa etária inicial : A partir de 4 anos de idade
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de ensino : ELT - Inglês como Língua Estrangeira ou 2ª Língua
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Leituras Graduadas
Assuntos : Literatura Infanto Juvenil

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