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Cambridge History Of Medieval English Literature Wallace, David Cambridge Usa

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This is the first full-scale history of medieval English literature for nearly a century. Thirty-three distinguished contributors offer a collaborative account of literature composed or transmitted in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland between theNorman conquest and the death of Henry VIII in 1547. The volume has five sections: ‘After the Norman Conquest’; ‘Writing in the British Isles’; ‘Institutional Productions’; ‘After the Black Death’ and ‘Before the Reformation’. It provides information on a vast range of literary texts and the conditions of their production and reception, which will serve both specialists and general readers, and also contains a chronology, full bibliography and a detailed index. This book offers the most extensive and vibrant account available of the medieval literatures so drastically reconfigured in Tudor England. It will thus prove essential reading for scholars of the Renaissance as well as medievalists, and for historians as well as literary specialists. Winner of the Library Association Wheatley Medal for Outstanding Index.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 1070
Ano de edição: 2002
ISBN 10: 0521890462
ISBN 13: 9780521890465
Altura: 23
Largura: 16
Comprimento: 6
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Teoria e Crítica literária

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